The Last Deer

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The Last Deer

At the moment this picture is fictitious because we still have plenty of deer on the planet,  BUT FOR HOW LONG? Already we are guilty of decimating many thousands of species of both flora and fauna.

I would like to finish by stating some First American ‘Gems’of wisdom:
1) The Earth does not belong to man, rather man belongs to the Earth.

2)The Spirit of the Thunderbird flies to the four corners of the Earth, and brings the people back to the natural way of life,
Not through religion or a Native American Way,
But through the ‘Old Way’ that once belonged to all humans.

We need to take this on board and learn from them before it is too late!

3) Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been polluted,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then you will find that money cannot be eaten!

Authorised copies repainted to order: 30x40 cms. £250.00 inc frame and UK p+p